Sean Gaiser graduates from Duke University with a degree in Psychology and begins his teaching career while simultaneously pursuing professional opportunities in the music industry.
Sean opens his music studio called GIGS. GIGS begins servicing the Kensington community as a music academy and a recording studio.
Sean begins teaching custom music classes at Georgetown Prep and Mater Dei School.
Dolly Gaiser is born!
At three months, Dolly is diagnosed with a rare, genetic, degenerative, neurological disease called Canavan. Dolly's family surrounds her with love and involves her in everything they do as a family, and as a result, Dolly thrives!
With the support of a grant offered by Honoring Neighbors Foundation, GIGS givers is founded in honor of Dolly and her many peers as they continue their brave journeys through life, inspiring all who are lucky to be in their presence.